Revive1787 was founded in 2012 as an educational charity, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and sponsors Liberty Foundations Scholarship to edify, empower, and engage the vision of our founding fathers, our American Heritage, and our U. S. Constitution
Our Mission
Edify through historical truth about how Men of Faith crafted the Miracle of our Constitution and molded our more perfect Union.
Empower through inspirational resources that nurture and strengthen vibrant Biblical Worldview.
Engage in the cause of defending liberties bestowed upon us by Divine Providence through the Stewardship of Civic duty.
Our Involvement
We have been blessed with many wonderful speakers at our events including Dr. Ben Carson, Eric Metaxas, Dr Kenyon Cureton, Tim Barton, CL Bryant, Dave Roever, and many more.
Three large annual events growing from 850 to more than 2000 patriot-minded attendees at our 2013 event
We produce these events with nothing except excellence
Revive 1787 has been featured on multiple radio stations
Over 170 attendees at our Veracity Youth Resolution conference
Over 24 monthly Butterfly Effect meetings (now with two locations) and counting with attendance that has reached over 100
Statement of Faith
Revive1787 is a Christian non-profit organization founded on the basic truths of the Christian creed, including: The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the inspired and infallible Word of God.
There is one God, existing eternally in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Christ, conceived by the Holy Spirit and virgin born, the Son of God, the one and only Savior, the Lord of all.
Christ sacrificially died on the cross and shed His blood as the atonement for sin. God raised Him from the dead bodily; He ascended into Heaven, and He will visibly return in glory according to His promise.
Salvation is God’s gift of eternal life, presented to all who, by faith, accept Jesus Christ as Savior and receive spiritual new birth by the Holy Spirit.
Abundant Christian living is possible only for those who continually yield their lives to the power and control of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Jesus issued Christians a The Great Commission: “Go therefore and make disciples …” To fulfill this calling given by all authority in Jesus Christ, Christians must proclaim the love and grace of God, nurture it among the faithful, and demonstrate it through their actions of all!